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May 29, 2009

Friday's Notes

Errol Morris,"Bamboozling Ourselves," Zoom, 27 May- , is a seven-part series that will continue through next week. Part I, Part II.

Giulia F. Miller reviews Yirmiyahu Yovel's The Other Within: The Marranos: Split Identity and Emerging Modernity for the THES, 28 May.

Ari Kelman,"Lincoln's legacy," TLS, 27 May, reviews Philip B. Kunhardt III, Peter W. Kunhardt and Peter W. Kunhardt, Jr., Looking for Lincoln: The making of an American icon, James Oakes's The Radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the triumph of anti-slavery politics, Eric Foner, ed., Our Lincoln: New perspectives on Lincoln and his world, and Barry Schwartz's Abraham Lincoln in the Post-Heroic Era: History and memory in late twentieth-century America.

A. W. Purdue,"Politics filtered by the past," THES, 21 May, reviews Reba Sofer's History, Historians, and Conservatism in Britain and America: From the Great War to Thatcher and Reagan.

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