Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted ...

Dec 1, 2004

More Noted ...

I've warned you before about things that my friend, Fred, sends via e-mail. Well, Build a Better Bush comes from Fred. If only it worked!

Over at Rebunk, Derek Catsam has a good question about Notre Dame's football program.

For those who may find Advent and Christmastide burdensome, Mr. Sun offers"The Chosen People's Guide to the Holidays." You can hold the"Merry Christmukkah" cards, though. I'm all in favor of good will, but some distinctions are worth preserving.

Publishing Meltdown Ahead? Maybe not, but 1 January 2007 could be the Y2K for the publishing industry. That's when the current 10 digit ISBN numbering system will be scrapped world-wide, because it is running out of capacity, in favor of 13 digit numbers. It will affect the whole book production and distribution system. Thanks to Moby Lives for the tip.

Adam Kotsko, my first-fifth favorite blogger at The Weblog, challenges my colleague, KC Johnson, his"twelfth favorite blogger at Cliopatria", on the matter of conservatives in the academy. As these things will do, the discussion turns into one about"identity theology." Oh, and if Harvard calls, I haven't said any of those things. Somebody stole my identity. THIEF! THIEF! THIEF!

But, seriously folks, if you want to read some terrific history blogging, go over to Mode for Caleb and read"Book Hoarding,""The Fall of Turkey,""Memorials," and"Backing Up."

Thanks to Sharon Howard's very sharp eye, we've found yet another stray history blogger. Evan Roberts at the University of Minnesota blogs at coffee grounds. (Hey, who doesn't?) He's a New Zealander, currently on a Fulbright and writing about married women in the American work force between the two World Wars. I'll bet he knows my friend, Sara Evans, but he doesn't know that all the rest of us are out here in cyberspace because the folks over at Crook Timber don't keep their blogroll current.

And, speaking of the Timberites, I'd like to see them chew on this: A poll of 139 British historians and political scientists ranks Clement Atlee first among Great Britain's last fifteen Prime Ministers, ahead of Winston Churchill. Churchill certainly had the sharper tongue. Churchill on Atlee:"A sheep in sheep's clothing.""A modest man, who has much to be modest about.""An empty taxi arrived at 10 Downing Street, and when the door was opened, Atlee got out." Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the tip.

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More Comments:

W. Caleb McDaniel - 12/1/2004

In defense of CT's blogroll, I think their policy is that if you contact them and ask to be placed on the list, they will add it. I did this within the first week or so that Mode for Caleb was running, and it was up very quickly. In fact, I think it was my first link, and I had only a few posts.