Blogs > Cliopatria > Kinsey Archive

Dec 14, 2004

Kinsey Archive

I haven't seen the movie yet, though it seems to be emerging as The Passion of the Left [see: Frank Rich]. I just noticed that on the top left of NYT a banner ad to Explore the Sponsored Archive. The resulting page is a collection of articles and essays that have appeared in NYT since 1948. It really is an excellent resource to read about the controversies. My favorite is the coverage of the National Council of Women from 1953 and their second resolution on making Puerto Ricans feel welcomed.

I appreciated the article, and I wonder if this is a new trend. NYT has not allowed to cache its dailies and seems intent on building and maintaining it's own archive. You get charged per article or page through NYT Archives. Corporations and movies can afford to bring out such sponsored archives generating more interests and making it easier to write reviews or understand the context. History sponsored.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 12/14/2004

Miriam, It also depends on what you want to use the photographs for. The best copies from a microfilm reader are often very poor quality.

Miriam Elizabeth Burstein - 12/14/2004

Has anyone had any experience using Newspaper Archives, another pay service? I had hoped that the NYT would grant access to the photographs in its earlier articles--as they themselves advertise--but no such luck for articles published in 1981 or 1978. (Hey! I could always use the microfilm reader! But that's so pre-2004...)

Manan Ahmed - 12/14/2004

By the Passion of the Left, I meant that it somehow represents core-values to the Left and elicits stringent defences. Moore's does not qualify in my view because it was only attacked, and never, to my knowledge, defended vigorously. Kinsey seems to be representing the already tired cliché of Moral Wars in the US.

Manan Ahmed - 12/14/2004

Exactly, That is what's so troublesome to me in this case.

Jonathan Dresner - 12/14/2004

Anytime I read about sponsorship, my hair stands up. Who's doing the selecting?

Jonathan Dresner - 12/14/2004

It's the polarizing controversy (a great deal of which precedes release) which I think he's pointing to. Though I thought that Moore's screed already claimed the title.

Anthony Paul Smith - 12/14/2004

Oh come on! A mainstream Hollywood movie? We are far too elitist for that! Our major movie is so indie, you won't even know about it unless you know someone, who knows someone, that knows the director and can get your a print.