Blogs > Cliopatria > Make Up a Nannie ...

Dec 16, 2004

Make Up a Nannie ...

When your nominee to direct the Department of Homeland Security is mired in a swampland's worth of muck, maybe the discrete thing to do is to report that he has"a nannie problem." She is said to have returned to Mexico some time ago, but no one recalls her name. Stay. On. Message. He has a nannie problem. Kevin Drum and Josh Marshall have the story.
Update: Bert de Bruin at Dutchblog Israel says:"If Mr Gonzales, the person who - if president Bush gets his way - in about a month will become responsible for the enforcement of law and order in the United States and who will play a central role in the country's security policies is not even able to properly conduct a relatively simple and highly routine background review of the nominee for a cabinet position, that does not promise well when it comes to his abilities to fight criminals and terrorists. Alfred E. Neuman's"What me worry?" should be the question of the day among Americans."

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