Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jun 9, 2009

More Noted Things

Ross King,"Intelligent, By Design," Washington Post, 8 June, reviews Enrique Joven's The Book of God and Physics: A Novel of the Voynich Mystery, translated from the Spanish by Dolores M. Koch.

David Nash,"The Gain from Thomas Paine," History Today, June, re-examines Paine's legacy to the modern world.

James Bratt,"Exceptionalism with a Twist," Books & Culture, May/June, reviews George C. Herring's From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776.

John Wilson,"‘A Really Holy Self-Realization'," Books & Culture, May/June, reviews Stefan Aust's Baader-Meinhof: The Inside Story of the R.A.F..

Dale E. Soder,"Good Intentions," Books & Culture, May/June, reviews David Traxel's Crusader Nation: The United States in Peace and the Great War, 1898-1920.

Barry Gewen,"Despite the Crises, Seeing a Star-Spangled Destiny in the Mirror of Time," NYT, 8 June, reviews Simon Schama's The American Future: A History.

Ilan Stavans,"The official story," Boston Globe, 7 June, reviews Gerald Martin's Gabriel García Márquez: A Life.

Tony Judt,"Amos Elon (1926–2009)," NYRB, 2 July, pays tribute to the late Israeli historian and journalist.

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