Blogs > Cliopatria > Now, About That Dearth of Female Academic Talent on the Net ...

Dec 19, 2004

Now, About That Dearth of Female Academic Talent on the Net ...

When you are hosting a discussion about gender and blogging, revisiting the matter of academic women in the blogosphere, the smart thing to do might be to read what they say about it. We're especially fond of posts by Wendy Love Anderson, Miriam Burstein, Hala Fattah, and Sharon Howard at Cliopatria, but we like to read what Sharon Howard at Early Modern Notes and Miriam Burstein at the Little Professor have to say about the matter. We also recommend:

Naomi Chana's Baraita
Erin O'Connor's Critical Mass
Belle Waring's Examined Life
Ancarett's Abode
the Ancient World Web groupblog
Another Damned Medievalist's Blogenspiel
Clio's Folly
Dictionary of Received Ideas groupblog
Lisa at Digital Medievalist
Dr. Crazy
Dr. History
Clair at Early Modern Material Culture
Elisabeth Carnell
Julia at Flailing in the Surf!
Kristine Brorson at Historiological Notes
the Interfaith Nunnery groupblog
Melissa at Medieval History
the Medieval Studies groupblog
Natalie Bennett's Philobiblion
Shana Worthen and
Esther MacCallum-Stewart's What a Lovely War.
Now, as you were saying, about the, ... ah, dearth of female academic talent on the net ...

More Comments:

Julie A Hofmann - 12/21/2004

Perhaps part of the question is what constitutes an academic blog, anyway? It's something I've certainly been pondering within the larger questions of Public/private and male/female blogging that Ralph and Sharon raised above.

Ralph E. Luker - 12/19/2004

On your question, I haven't looked closely at other disciplines and, of course, a few of the blogs I cited are not actually by historians. The second point, I think, is well taken. My _impression_ is that female graduate students, post-docs, and young professors are far more likely to be blogging than their older female colleagues.

Jonathan Dresner - 12/19/2004

Perhaps history is the exception? Though I wonder what the ratio is if you exclude graduate students....