Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here & There

Jun 17, 2009

Things Noted Here & There

The history of science carnival, the Giant's Shoulders #12, will be up later today at Thoughts from Gut Bacteria.

Scott Jaschik,"A College for History Only," IHE, 15 June, looks at an experiment in pre-legal studies.

Patricia Cohen,"Great Caesar's Ghost! Are Traditional History Courses Vanishing?" NYT, 10 June, provoked some significant replies:
Claire Potter,"Let's Run Away from the Girls and Other Strategies to Make History Relevant to a Twenty-First Century Liberal Arts Education," Tenured Radical, 11 June;
Mary Dudziak,"Another Slow News Day at the New York Times," Legal History, 12 June; and
Stan Katz,"Traditional History Courses," Brainstorm, 13 June.

On a related issue, Peter Berkowitz,"Conservatism and the University Curriculum," WSJ, 13 June, argues for the representation of conservatism in the liberal arts curriculum.

Jane Mayer,"The Secret History," New Yorker, 22 June, asks whether, given its history, Leon Panetta can change directions at the CIA.

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