Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jun 16, 2009

More Noted Things

The Giant's Shoulders #12, the history of science carnival, is up at Thoughts from Gut Bacteria.

Thomas W. Laqueur reviews Richard Bernstein's The East, the West, and Sex: A History of Erotic Encounters for the San Francisco Chronicle, 14 June.

Claire Harman,"A Dissenting Voice," Literary Review, June, reviews William McCarthy's Anna Letitia Barbauld: Voice of the Enlightenment.

Judith Flanders reviews J. F. M. Clark's Bugs and the Victorians for the Telegraph, 7 June.

Thomas A. Bowden,"Justice Holmes and the Empty Constitution," Objective Standard, Summer, re-examines Lochner.

William E. Leuchtenburg,"The Wrong Man at the Wrong Time," American Heritage, 26 May, takes another look at Herbert Hoover. Hat tip.

Michael Dirda,"This Woman Is Dangerous," NYRB, 2 July, reviews Patricia Highsmith's The Complete Ripley Novels: The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ripley Under Ground, Ripley's Game, The Boy Who Followed Ripley, Ripley Under Water. Hat tip.

Christopher Hitchens,"Henry Fairlie: The Gentleman Delinquent," NYT, 12 June, is occasioned by the publication of Fairlie's Bite The Hand That Feeds You: Essays and Provocations.

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