Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jun 24, 2009

More Noted Things

Rachel Leow,"On Newspapers as Sources," a historian's craft, 16 June, has suggestions for newspaper research.

Michael Kimmelman,"Elgin Marble Argument in a New Light," NYT, 23 June, finds a $200 million revisionist argument in Athens.

James Gibbons,"Clout of Africa," BookForum, June/August, sees in recent publications"an African literary boom."

Timothy Snyder,"Holocaust: The Ignored Reality," NYRB, 16 July, recenters the Holocaust in today's Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia.

Preston Jones,"A California State of Mind," Books & Culture, 22 June, reviews Kevin Starr's Golden Dreams: California in an Age of Abundance, 1950-1963, volume eight in Starr's massive history of the state.

Caleb Crain, winner of the Cliopatria Award for Best Writer in 2007, has recently published an edition of his blog posts from Steamboats are ruining everything. The book, The Wreck of the Henry Clay: Posts & Essays, 2003 - 2009, is being noticed by Andrew Sullivan and other bloggers.

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