Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Jun 25, 2009

Thursday's Notes

Algis Valiunas,"Highborn Fools," Claremont Review, Spring, reviews Duc de Saint-Simon, Memoirs of Duc de Saint-Simon, 1691-1709: Presented to the King, Memoirs of Duc de Saint-Simon, 1710-1715: The Bastards Triumphant, and Memoirs of Duc de Saint-Simon, 1715-1723: Fatal Weakness. Translated by Lucy Norton.

Ian Pindar,"Men and Marian," Guardian, 20 June, reviews Brenda Maddox's George Eliot: Novelist, Lover, Wife.

Ben Zimmer,"Hunting the Elusive First ‘Ms.'," Visual Thesaurus, 23 June, finds the earliest use of"Ms." in Massachusetts' Springfield Republican, 10 November 1901.

Elliott J. Gorn,"The Meanings of Depression-Era Culture," CHE, 26 June, reviews David Welky's Everything Was Better in America: Print Culture in the Great Depression.

Garry Wills,"Daredevil," Atlantic, July/August, profiles his friend, William Buckley.

Scott McLemee,"Fifty Years After Stonewall," IHE, 24 June, asks what GLBT studies will look like in 2019.

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