Blogs > Cliopatria > AHA Diversions ...

Jan 10, 2005

AHA Diversions ...

I just got into Atlanta on the red-eye from Seattle. If I had any sense, I'd be in bed trying to recover, but I just realized that someone may have scheduled the AHA convention to divert historians' attention from the competition for the Koufax Awards. Let the votes of historians for historians be counted! And let no chads be left behind! May I offer some recommendations?
Best Group Blog*
Best New Blog Choose one from among the following:
Chapati Mystery
Early Modern Notes
Hugo Schwyzer
Best Writing
Tim Burke**
* Is there any doubt in your mind? Rid yourself of unworthy thoughts.
** John Holbo is conducting a shameless campaign based on the claim that Size, i.e., Grotesque Length, Matters. I submit that Holbo has been taking advantage of too many spam promos lately. Natural endowment should count for something.***
*** In light of envious, petulant, and skeptical comments here, I should note that Burke refused to pose for the camera in full Cliopatriarchal regalia. The robes, the mitres and scepters, and the gold rings had to be removed. The man won't even wear a tie for an AHA convention.

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