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Vietnam Vet Stages Hunger Strike in Front of White House to Raise Awareness About PTSD

Since Veterans Day, Thomas E. Mahany, a 62-year-old Vietnam War veteran, has been on a hunger strike in front of the White House to raise awareness about post-traumatic stress disorder and protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mahany recently wrote a letter to President Obama calling on him to "withdraw our military men and women from the Middle East now." He said he plans to only drink water "until specific action is taken by your administration and our military to stem the tragic and ever-increasing rise in the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)" that has seen a meteoric rise over the years among those serving in the military...

... Mahany, who also spent 29 days fasting for peace in Vietnam back in May 1970, wrote Obama, "I served in Vietnam and I also lost a brother-in law to suicide caused by PTSD. He had two young sons. I have seen firsthand what this can do to a family.

In taking my action, I hope to elicit for you, from the peace-loving people of this nation, moral support sufficient to spiritually bolster you as you make your decision concerning our military presence in Afghanistan."
Read entire article at Truthout