With support from the University of Richmond

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HNN Podcasts: Bill Clinton's Legacy

What is Bill Clinton's legacy? It is undoubtedly too soon to say. But in an attempt to begin putting his presidency into historical perspective Hofstra University hosted a three-day conference featuring scholars and administration officials on Nov. 10, 11, and 12, 2005. (Every president from FDR to Clinton has been the subject of a Hofstra presidential conference.)

Dozens of panels assessed various aspects of his presidency. Their papers will eventually form the basis of a book published by Hofstra. In the meantime if you missed the conference you can click on the following HNN Podcast links to hear HNN's interviews with many of the participants.

What's a Podcast? Click here to find out.


What's a Podcast

What's a podcast? It's an mp3 audio file you can download from the Internet. You can listen to it on your computer or even transfer it to a mobile device.

To listen to an interview on this page from your computer just click on the streaming button associated with each interview.

If you'd like to save the interview to your computer and listen to it at another time just right-click on your mouse and save it either as a link or target.

To listen to the podcasts on your iPod or PDA, you'll need to download podcasting software. Click here to download software from iTunes. To add a Podcast to iTunes, select"Subscribe to Podcast" under Advanced. You will be asked to supply a URL for HNN's podcasts. Click here for HNN's podcast URL. (Copy and paste only the URL, not the coding that appears on the page.)