With support from the University of Richmond

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University of Richmond creating emancipation project

The University of Richmond is crafting a digital map tracing the landscape of emancipation during the Civil War.

The project, which has been awarded a $48,155 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, will create a computerized illustration of data documenting where, when and how slaves became free.

One goal is to show how the institution of slavery changed during the course of the Civil War, said Scott Nesbit, associate director of UR's Digital Scholarship Lab.

"Emancipation was a wartime event, and it played out everywhere the war played out," he said.

"Landscapes of the American Past: Visualizing Emancipation" will become a component of NEH's "We the People," an initiative to strengthen the study of American history and culture....
Read entire article at Richmond Times-Dispatch