A short history of spies and their sex scandals.
As long as there have been spies, there have been spy scandals. Usually, however, it's because a senior official got hooked up with an enemy spy, most famously like British Secretary of War John Profumo, who in 1963 was "dating" an alleged call girl who was also involved with a Soviet naval official suspected of being a spy. Down he went.
That was a long time ago. And in the half century since, there's no known record of a Western intelligence chief resigning over the love of a person not his wife.
Until Friday, that is, when the once unsinkable David Petraeus announced he was resigning because of his "extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair."...
A chief of the CIA's operations wing after 9/11 was caught on a security camera in an agency garage getting oral sex from a female subordinate, according to a widely circulated story. It didn't dent his reputation, perhaps because he was poorly regarded anyway, three agency sources said, and already on the way out....