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Robert Capa photographs from Spanish Civil War found in 'Mexican Suitcase'

A mysterious “Mexican suitcase” has been unpacked to reveal a treasure trove of classic photo-journalism taken in the 1930s by Robert Capa and two other pioneers.

The three cardboard boxes contain 126 rolls of 35mm film with about 4,300 images of the Spanish Civil War, most never seen before.

They were saved from wartime Europe and appeared in Mexico City half a century later among the effects of a former Mexican diplomat, before finding their way to New York.

The photos were taken by Capa, his lover and professional partner Gerda Taro, and David “Chim” Seymour, co-founder with Capa of the photo agency Magnum. They include images of the American writer Ernest Hemingway by Capa, the French author André Malraux by Taro and the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca by Seymour.

Read entire article at The Times (UK)