Week of August 6, 2012
Up Front
How a Left-Wing Look at America's "Heroes" Reveals Its Own Ignorance Ron Radosh |
Myth Versus Myth: Remembering Nagasaki Ira Chernus's MythicAmerica |
Hiroshima: Truman’s Choices Revisited Stanley Kutler |
HNN Special: Barack Obama's Slave Ancestor
Barack Obama’s “Slave” Ancestor and the Politics of Genealogy Honor Sachs |
There's No Basis for the Claims that John Punch was Indentured -- Or That His Comrades Were "White" Jeffrey B. Perry |
John Punch Wasn't the First Slave in America -- Just the First Slave in the English Colonies Pearl Duncan |
News at Home
Why Do Married Women Vote Republican? Ira Chernus's MythicAmerica |
It’s Time to Impeach Justice Scalia Alan Singer |
Whatever Happened to Good Old-Fashioned Customer Service? Richard Striner |
News Abroad
The Secret Tie that Binds U.S. and Israel Ira Chernus's MythicAmerica |
Hot Topics: The Olympics |
Egypt's Sixty Years of Misery Daniel Pipes |
Historians & History
Hot Topics: Hiroshima and Nagasaki |
How Suffering Shaped Emancipation: Historian Dr. Jim Downs on the Plight of Freed Slaves During the Civil War and Reconstruction Robin Lindley |
"The Other America": Still Invisible Ron Briley |
Saul Alinsky Elementary School? How We Honor America's Radicals and Reformers Peter Dreier |
Culture Watch
A Thousand Laughs in "A Thousand Clowns," a Look at Life in the 1960s Bruce Chadwick |
Another Chapter in the History of World War II Women Journalists Unfolds in the Berkshires Bruce Chadwick |
Whether 1606 or 1906, Bad Leadership Brings Bad Results Bruce Chadwick |
King Kong is Back in 1930s Radio Play; Gorilla Climbs Empire State Building; Air Corps Attacks; Millions Scream Bruce Chadwick |
Review of Larry Tye's Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero Ron Briley |
Review of Owen J. Hurd's After the Fact: The Surprising Fates of American History's Heroes, Villains, and Supporting Characters Jim Cullen |