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Jacques Pluss: Admits he's a nazi

I interviewed Dr. Jacques Pluss last year after he was attacked by neo-Nazi groups. Pluss was once a member of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), and he left the group in a rather public fashion, claiming that he really joined in order to do research on the phenomenon of American neo-Nazism.

I thought at the time that Pluss was just another victim of the propaganda efforts of members and former members of the NSM, and believed him when he denied adhering to National Socialist philosophies. At no time during our one-hour telephone interview did I get the impression that Pluss was anything but an earnest academic trying to recover his reputation.

Now the History News Network is reporting that Pluss, indeed, is a Nazi, and that he simply used journalists like me to gain publicity. Pluss - who now uses the title SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Dr. Jacques Pluss as the administrator of the group Stille Hilfe Amerika - actively calls for the extermination of Jews, blacks, and other "sub-human" groups. You can read his blog for more information on the genocidal beliefs of Pluss.

Pluss, in my opinion, is either a lunatic or a master of manipulation, assuming that this HNN revelation is not part of yet another elaborate cyber-ruse (one cannot discount the possibility that the "real" Jacques Pluss will reappear and deny the comments attributed to him). In either case, I would urge serious writers to stay away from Jacques Pluss, who has descended either into seeming insanity or an extreme locale on the margins of the political spectrum.
Read entire article at Historian Michael Brooks at his blog