by T.H. McGraw
Who hasn’t heard the urban legend of Queen Victoria, or alternatively Eleanor Roosevelt, graciously replicating the faux pas of an unschooled formal dining guest whom, after accepting an after-dinner finger bowl, mistakenly but happily drinks from it? We might imagine a slight hush falling upon the entire dinner table, all eyes moving toward their beneficent hostess and then in great merriment, diners reaching one-by-one for their own containers of petal-strewn water in order to concur. Noblesse oblige and, for the transient moment if not for all time, humane wisdom becomes intensely correct.If only all life were so, so easily charitable. These days, we may struggle not to focus upon the dark clouds swirling about us; moreover, the awkward division between those doing well through discipline and perseverance, and those disenfranchised so much by loss of employment or in some cases assuredly, by just plain sloth. “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground…” the Hebrew Scriptures convey to us Jehovah’s judgment upon the original couple in sin, though I was advised once by an Israeli that another translation renders even “…the sweat of your nose…”, a more severe depiction yet of possible retribution for mankind.