This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
David Corn, at his blog at the Nation (2-14-05):I try not to spend too much time--that is, any--thinking about David Horowitz, the 60s radical turned Reagnite rightwinger. I used to find him amusing, even though wrongheaded. We emailed on occasion, and I (almost) enjoyed debating him on television. But in January 2003, we were booked together on C-SPAN for an hour. For much of that time, he ranted and
Jonah Goldberg, in National Review (2-7-05):Juan Cole claims to be a major scholar. He is a tenured professor at the University of Michigan and the president-elect of the Middle East Studies Association. You wouldn't expect such a guy to be so thin-skinned and intellectually insecure. But that's the only
Andrew Pierce, in the London Times (2-10-05):
DAVID IRVING, the Holocaust denier, is planning a new book to try to restore his reputation -on SS chief Heinrich Himmler.
Irving, speaking in a Mayfair coffee shop a week after the moving ceremonies to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, said: "I am not interested in survivors -survivors lie. People lie when money is involved."
The disgraced historian, who was bankrupted a
Hector Tobar, in the LAT (2-7-05):
The man who rules Bolivia has a gentle soul.
Before he became president, Carlos Mesa wrote a dozen books, and some here say he still has the temperament of a historian.
Last month, as protesters took to the streets over his decision to raise fuel prices, Mesa said he would not use force to restore order. In a televised address, the president solemnly declared he did not want blood on his hands.
Mesa be
From an interview with Daniel Pipes on the Fox News show hostd by Bill O'Reilly (as reprinted on Campus Watch) (2-2-05):Joining us now from Los Angeles, Daniel Pipes, the director of the Middle East forum and Mr. Pipes, who is M. Shahid Alam?
DANIEL PIPES, MIDDLE EAST FORUM: Professor Alam is an economist teaching at Northeastern Uni
Gary Shapiro, in the New York Sun (1-24-05):New York University professor Daniel Walkowitz loves history and he loves to move. “Any city I go to, I dance,” said Mr. Walkowitz, who has kicked up his heels at folk-dancing events in New York, London, Minneapolis, San Francisco, San Jose, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, and
Larry Schweikart, interviewed by Jamie Glazov, at (1-31-05):Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Larry Schweikart, a history professor at the University of Dayton. He is the co-author (with Michael Allen) of the new book, A Patriot's History Of The United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery To The War On Terror. FP: Dr. Schweikart, welcome to Frontpage In
Thompson, in the Wash Post: A year before his grandmother died, Scott Sandage sat down with a tape recorder
and asked her to talk about her life. She told him how she used to hear her
husband crying at night. Sandage's grandfather was an immigrant kid whose parents pulled him out of
school to work in the brickyards in Mason City, Iowa. Surviving the Depression
as a traveling s
Hunt, in the Duke University Chronicle (1-21-05):Candles, balloons and gifts. This weekend, Duke can expect much birthday cheer
as the campus celebrates distinguished John Hope Franklins 90th birthday.
The celebration of the James B. Duke professor emeritus of history will feature
two photography exhibits chronicling his life, a panel discussion with two
Winchester, interviewed by Deborah Solomon, in the NYT Magazine (1-23-05):You are the author of ''Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: Aug. 27, 1883,''
as well as a coming book on the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 -- what went
through your head when you first learned of the tsunami? I was on holiday in England at the time. I heard the 5 o'clo
E.J. Kessler, in Haaretz (1-18-05):
In an apparent victory for radical Muslims and the left wing of the American foreign policy establishment, President Bush has failed to take any action to renominate Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes to the board of the United States Institute of Peace.
Bush appointed Pipes, a conservative Middle East analyst and syndicated columnist who has drawn the ire of some Muslims, to th
Edward Renehan, at his blog (1-20-05):A good friend of mine,
John Allen Gable - distinguished Theodore Roosevelt scholar and longtime executive director of the Theodore Roosevelt Association, Oyster Bay, NY - is quite ill with cancer. Over the past two weeks, I oversaw
Rory Carroll, The Guardian (London)1/13/05
The international tribunal for Rwanda was criticised yesterday for its failure to charge Tutsis suspected of killing Hutus in the 1994 genocide.
Filip Reyntjens, a Belgian historian and expert witness on the genocide, said he would stop cooperating with the tribunal because no Tutsis from the Rwandan Patriotic Front rebel army had been indicted.
Professor Reyntjens said that prosecuting only Hutus amounted t
Jacob Laksin, at (1-18-05): Criminal justice is not, strictly speaking, H. Bruce Franklin’s bailiwick. But that hasn’t stopped the professor of English and American Studies at Rutgers University from becoming one of the most prominent exponents of the radical Left’s tales of the supposed “horrors” of the American penal system. In one recent contribution
Unsigned, The Times (London), 1/05/05
An historian who confronted a burglar at her home was stabbed 19 times, an Old Bailey jury was told yesterday.
Amanda Girling Budd, 48, was working alone at her flat in Hackney, East London, in September when she saw a man on her stairwell. He rushed past her into her flat but Ms Girling Budd confronted him in the hallway."He punched her and then stabbed her 19 times. He then searched the study before leaving the flat and Ms
Hedges, in the NYT (1-6-05): FRITZ STERN, a refugee from Hitler's Germany and a leading scholar of European
history, startled several of his listeners when he warned in a speech about
the danger posed in this country by the rise of the Christian right. In his
address in November, just after he received a prize presented by the German
foreign minister, he told his audience that Hit
A. Lappen, at (12-21-04): He denounces American imperialism on Al-Jazeera Television. A former
Zionist, he refers to jihadist suicide bombers as martyrs. He praised
Mideast scholars for ignoring the issue of terrorism, and he regularly repeats
the most twisted and paranoid claims of Islamist regimes as though they were
historical fact. He is Stan
Virginia Heffernan, commenting in the NYT about the portrayal of historian Grace McCallister, the fake professor star of the WB show, "Jack and Bobby" (12-30-04):... Professor McCallister - the mother of the 51st president of the United States, in the show's conceit - is meant to be a great contrarian, but she's incongruously reverential about canonical writers. A professor of histor
Janet Tassel, in Harvard Magazine (Jan.-Feb. 2005):
Richard Pipes, Baird research professor of history, recounts in his recent book, Vixi, that when Daniel, his first child, was born in 1949, he felt as if he himself were being reborn. To mark the event he even quit smoking.And, in a sense, with the birth of Daniel, Richard Pipes was indeed reborn, perhaps even cloned. Daniel '71, Ph.D. '78 (early Islamic history), is what
Jonathan Dowd-Gailey, at (12-14-04): [Jonathan Dowd-Gailey is a writer for Campus Watch, lives in Washington State.]When White House officials briefly used the word"crusade" to express American resolve in the war on terror,