This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: The Washington Post
Former first lady Pat Nixon watched Trump on the “Phil Donahue Show” in December 1987. The Manhattan builder so impressed her that she told her husband.
Source: Al-Fanar Media
“We’ve found that 38 monuments have been either ruined or completely razed.”
Source: The Wilson Center
Despite the public disclosure of Soviet Central Committee documents in 1998—eighteen years ago—which revealed that the allegations were fraudulent, China and, much more noisily, North Korea still maintain the charges.
Source: The Washington Post
Apple argued that if the government prevails, it could force companies to do a number of other things going forward in the name of surveillance and security.
Source: NYT
The $119 million museum opens next April.
Source: The Jerusalem Post
Democratic presidential front-runner discuses her stance on regime change in townhall event this week.
Source: AJC
Republican House members on Thursday took turns blasting the public affairs director for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board for comparing them to Hitler for failing to move so-called religious liberty legislation.
Source: Gulf News
Store draws ire for glorifying Nazi dictator
Source: The Boston Globe
In an op ed in the Boston Globe he says "Massachusetts should revive the requirement that public school students pass a US history MCAS test to graduate from high school."
Source: NYT
Seventy-five years after the two began a trade in top-secret information at Bletchley Park in England, their intelligence links are being questioned.
Source: The Brookings Institution
Take a look at this single, stark chart depicting the 35-year history of U.S. employment in manufacturing industries.
Source: Harvard Law Today
“The Corporation agrees with your judgment and the recommendation of the committee that the Law School should have the opportunity to retire its existing shield and propose a new one,” wrote Harvard President Drew Faust.
Source: Rasmussen Reports
Americans overwhelmingly believe they know the issues when they go to the polls but agree nearly as strongly that everybody else does not.
Source: The Brookings Institution
There are very few Americans alive today who can remember the last time that the secretary at a national convention called the roll and no one won on the first ballot.
Source: CBC News
Laval University will review its choice in imagery for a fundraising campaign after facing criticism that one of its illustrations looks like a pavilion designed by a Nazi architect.
Source: NYT
The gulag is a distant memory. In today’s Russia, people pine for an era of order and superpower status.
Source: Newsweek
It’s a repeat of an old pattern that resulted in the 19th century in the Civil War.
Source: The Washington Post
The rare Whitman “soldier letter,” one of only three known to exist, was discovered last month by a National Archives volunteer who is part of a team preparing Civil War widows’ pension files to be digitized and placed online.
Source: The New Republic
Harper Lee’s estate will no longer allow publication of the inexpensive paperback edition that was popular with schools.
Source: Time Magazine
Report on a new study in “Nature."