This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: The Telegraph
The students of the Rhodes Must Fall campaign explain why Oxford University must not elevate this murderous land-grabbing racist
Source: Inside Higher ED
The University of California at Los Angeles last week condemned an anti-Semitic comment that a UCLA student posted on the Facebook page of Mayim Bialik, the actress.
Source: New Historian
The site of a Spanish colony established by Don Tristan de Luna in August of 1559 has been confirmed to be in Pensacola, Florida.
Source: RealClearPolitics
Love him or hate him, the man is not idle and his second term never was plagued by atrophy, let alone scandal.
Source: National Security Archive
According to 1956 Plan, H-Bombs were to be Used Against Priority "Air Power" Targets in the Soviet Union, China, and Eastern Europe
Source: Common Dreams
Newly released 1,700-page FBI file shows the US government 'went to lengths' to track beloved folk icon
Source: Iraq Crisis/Ihsan Fethi, PhD Iraqi Architects Society
There are reliable reports that armed groups from ISIS have begun a determined and systematic campaign to destroy all grave stones in all the cemeteries of the city.
Source: NYT
The suit was filed by three preservation organizations and a New Orleans chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Source: Haaretz
Recently discovered medical report from Landsberg Prison, where Hitler was imprisoned in 1923, records undescended right testicle.
Source: Inside Higher ED
Minority students have been pushing the college to remove the plaque and also a statue of Rhodes.
Source: Buzzfeed
A leader of the Black Lives Matter movement noticed the measure, but congressional aides and lawmakers from both parties either had no idea it was in there or were unable to explain why it’s still included.
Source: The Washington Free Beacon
While advocating against what they said is a growing trend in anti-Muslim rhetoric, the professor and students wore Jewish stars inscribed with the word, “Muslim.”
Source: The Daily Beast
A Muslim teacher is suing her former school district and claims she was fired after administrators allegedly banned her from mentioning Islam.
Source: The Kansas City Star
The former secretary of state will receive the 2016 Harry S. Truman Legacy of Leadership Award during the institute’s annual “Wild About Harry” fundraiser on April 7.
Source: NYT
The position Prime Minister David Cameron faces as he enters talks in Brussels is similar to the situation in 1974, when Britons last had a chance to vote on their European destiny.
Source: New Historian
Twenty-two archaeological artifacts were recently returned to China by officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, including bronze trays, jade disks, and a 120-million-year-old micro raptor fossil.
Source: Baltimore magazine
12-16-15 (accessed)
“In Baltimore, the mayor plans for a commission to advise her on what to do with the Confederate monuments in the city, most of which have been there for more than a century. Like sharks smelling blood, the feeding frenzy is on.” — A member of Maryland Sons of Confederate Veterans
Source: Times Union
Whaling ships kept meticulous daily logbooks of weather conditions during their often yearslong voyages searching the globe for whales.
Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch
As the city wraps up the public engagement portion of its effort to develop a plan to memorialize Lumpkin’s Slave Jail, advocates have continued their calls for a broader approach to recognizing Richmond’s role in the slave trade.
Source: David Bruce Smith’s Grateful America Foundation
The Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Association is dedicated to honoring the suffragists, who fought for and won women’s right to vote.