This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: NYT
Another landmark structure in Syria’s ancient city of Palmyra has been deliberately destroyed by Islamic State militants. The building involved this time was a set of triumphal arches, erected in the second century.
Source: University of Vienna, Department of African Studies
Concepts of modern development aid have been inherited from Europe's colonialist era and thus have their roots much further in the past than has been thought till now. This is the outcome of a project supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF whose report was recently published in the book "Developing Africa."
Source: The Brandon Sun
At a time when life could be harsh in the American Southwest, outhouses served more than one important role.
Source: Huffington Post
The surrender of Ahmad Al Mahdi Al Faqi (Abut Tourab) by the Niger government to the ICC is significant because it is the first specific case brought before the court "concerning the destruction of buildings dedicated to religion and historical monuments" during an armed conflict of a non-international character.
Source: Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD)
The Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) has released “Protocols for Safe Havens for Works of Cultural Significance from Countries in Crisis” to help safeguard irreplaceable works of art and archeological materials that are currently in danger of destruction
Source: Pew Research Center
In more recent years, laws and presidential actions have been shaped by concerns about refugees, unauthorized immigration and terrorism.
Source: judithweingarten
As a new museum exhibit in Denmark shows, it was the home of world class art.
Source: International Business Times
Iraqi Historian, Archaeologist And Syrian Museum Director Claim Jews Want To Destroy Arab Heritage
Source: Gizmodo
The island’s biodiversity per acre was “rivaled that of national parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Great Smoky Mountains,” writes the creator of the Welikia Project, landscape ecologist Dr. Eric Sanderson, who founded the project almost 20 years ago.
Source: CNN
At a campaign event in New Hampshire, Carson noted that many people believe a situation like what took place in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's could never happen in America.
Source: Gawker
by Greg Grandin
The review was written by Andrew Roberts, who was Kissinger's first choice as authorized biographer.
Source: Africa is a Country
by Peter Cole
The American activist, George Mills Houser, was central to civil rights and racial justice struggles in the United States, and especially to liberation movements against colonialism and Apartheid in Southern Africa.
Source: Think Progress
Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT), who serves as chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, promised to block all attempts to save the program unless significant changes are made to its structure to prevent the federal government from protecting additional land.
Source: Ancient World Online
by Charles Jones
A summary of the event at the Metropolitan Museum with a links to Morag Kersel's storify of the twitter stream on the conference, and to documents mentioned.
Source: NYT
Two recent claims by explorers have set off a frenzy over a legendary “gold train” and other possible valuables left behind in World War II.
Source: ARCABlog
The latest showed up at Christie’s in London.
Source: NYT
The legacy of Father Serra, who was canonized last week, has been disputed by Native Americans who say he oppressed their forebears as he worked to convert them to Catholicism.
Source: CBS News
When ISIS financial kingpin Abu Sayyaf was killed by U.S. Special Forces last May, American soldiers made a startling discovery: hundreds of precious antiquities stored in his compound.
Posts by Jelani Cobb, Rick Perlstein, Tim Naftali, Heather Cox Richardson.
Source: RealClearPolitics
"It seems that far from learning from the mistakes of others, everyone keeps repeating them."