This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: Daily Mail
A lack of Holocaust education on the sub-continent means that the brand is not offensive there
Source: UN
The General Assembly called for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Iraq by protecting cultural and religious properties and sites consistent with international humanitarian law.
Source: IBTimes
The process of obliterating the horde of ancient statues has already begun. It commenced almost as soon as the militants seized control of their quarry.
Source: Mother Jones
"We were citizens, but now we were not."
Source: Slate
The archive is a unique artifact of 19th-century ordinary American kids (not the children of the wealthy).
Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis University has moved a controversial sculpture from outside a residence hall to inside a museum in response to criticism from faculty and students who say the work reinforces the idea of white supremacy.
Source: News and Observer
The board of trustees said the school made a mistake in 1920 when it named the building, citing the KKK leader's membership in the Klan as a qualification.
Source: NYT
Seven decades after the end of World War II, the threat of aerial bombs still disrupts life in Germany with surprising regularity.
Source: AP
From Galileo to genetics, the Roman Catholic Church has danced with science, sometimes in a high-tension tango but more often in a supportive waltz. Pope Francis is about to introduce a new twist: global warming.
Source: Live Science
A prehistoric cemetery containing hundreds of tombs, some of which held sacrificed humans, has been discovered near Mogou village in northwestern China.
Source: Johnson's Russia List
Laws signed into effect by President Petro Poroshenko require the renaming of dozens of towns and hundreds of streets throughout the country to eliminate Soviet-era names.
Source: Politico
While his marriage to the divorcee was controversial, it was his backing of civil rights for blacks that doomed his presidential chances.
Source: History Today
5-27-15 (accessed)
by Larry Gragg
It was said to be Bugsy's obsession according to the movie starring Warren Beatty. And the gangster probably met Goring. But there's no proof he tried to kill him despite the claims of various websites.
Source: NYT
Thousands of Sephardic Jews in Turkey who trace their ancestry to Spain are applying for Spanish citizenship in anticipation of a bill granting nationality to Jews expelled during the Inquisition.
Source: IMGUR
The Dhamar Museum in Yemen, the repository of all work done in the province, including the Oriental Institute's work from 1978 onwards, has been destroyed.
Source: The Conversation
Remarkably similar carvings and simple cross sculptures mark special sites or places once sacred, spanning a zone stretching from the Irish and Scottish coasts to Iceland.
Source: The National Security Archive
The disclosure is contained in the now-published diary of Anatoly S. Chernyaev.
Source: WSJ
South Korea opposes Japan’s plans to have Hashima certified by Unesco without recognition that Tokyo employed forced labor there
Source: The Washington Post
It’s designed to help visitors understand the complexity of the society’s three turning points: 1953, 1979, and the Green Movement of 2009 through the art of Shirin Neshat.
by Rick Shenkman
The famed social scientist Nassim "Black Swan" Taleb is out with a new paper that claims violence in the past and present has been underestimated.