This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: NYT
Historically, midterm results, which are typically unfavorable to the president’s party, tell us relatively little about the coming presidential election.
Source: EurActiv
6 in 10 Germans were in favour of looking ahead rather than reflecting on German Democratic Republic history
Source: WSJ
We can now reveal whodunit.
Source: Pew Research
Berlin Wall’s fall marked the end of the Cold War for the American public
Source: Slate
The gender breakdown of the next Congress is still to be determined, but a major milestone was reached Tuesday night: For the first time in American history, the number of women sitting in Congress will hit triple digits.
Source: Huffington Post
The GOP made much history, electing younger, more diverse candidates to a legislative body that has historically been dominated by older, white men.
Source: This View of Life
A new study of the pattern of intergroup aggression in chimpanzees and pygmy chimpanzees (bonobos), their close relatives, finds that human impact isn't the culprit.
Source: NYT
Migros, a Swiss retail giant, said it did not know exactly how the image came to be on the label.
Source: KC Johnson's website and hear the audio
11-3-14 (accessed)
by KC Johnson
50 years ago a tape recording caught LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover discussing the possibility a cabinet secretary was gay.
Source: The Guardian
Debts from bonds issued in 1927 by Winston Churchill going back to the South Sea Bubble, Napoleonic and Crimean wars.
Source: The Washington Post
The presidents of Poland and Israel on Tuesday joined Holocaust survivors for the formal opening of a multimedia museum that tells the 1,000-year history of Jewish life in Poland.
Source: AP
The repairs will be paid for by a donation of $10,000,000 to the home of James Madison.
Source: Vice
More than 450 Jewish gravestones have been discovered in the foundations of houses that have been demolished to make way for a new supermarket.
Source: The Guardian, where you can see the rest of the list
Historian Ian Mortimer identifies the 10 leading drivers of change.
Source: NYT
A heavy metal gate bearing the Nazis’ infamous concentration camp slogan, “Arbeit Macht Frei,” (Work Sets You Free), was stolen under cover of darkness on the weekend from the memorial site at the old Nazi camp of Dachau.
Source: The Telegraph
Digging for victory in World War 2 improved the health and brain power of Britons, the University of Aberdeen found.
Source: The Telegraph
A 3,400-year-old underwater temple from the time of Pharaoh Thutmosis III, one of Egypt’s greatest warrior kings, has been uncovered near Cairo
Source: Roll Call
Obama is likely to have the worst midterm numbers of any two-term president going back to Democrat Harry S. Truman.
Source: The Daily Beast
Two decades years after finding a piece of metal on a remote Pacific atoll, Ric Gillespie says he has proof it was used to patch the aviator’s plane—and it fits ‘like a fingerprint.’
Source: Discovery
The remains of an Italian WWII pilot who died in a dogfight with U.S. pilots 70 years ago have finally been unearthed -- still sitting on the parachute in the cockpit.