This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: Huffington Post
Social Security faced the problem of enrolling 26 million people in less than a year in 1935... without computers.
Source: New York Times
A group of fourteen nations has sought legal aid against the governments of the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands.
Source: Slate Magazine
Slate Magazine features cartoon artists capturing Hollywood films. This week features a cartoonist drawing the tale of Radium Girls, women during World War II who contracted radium poisoning while painting glow-in-the-dark watch dials.
Source: Irish Times
Sakharov prize for freedom of thought honours Burmese figure’s battle for democracy.
Source: Associated Press
Russell Shorto's engaging history of Amsterdam hits all the highlights.
Source: New York Times
New York landmark laws create huge rent disparities in the Belnord.
Source: The Associated Press
Budget cuts become so severe the Smithsonian may need to resort to furloughs and museum closings.
Source: BBC News
The spread of the Black
Death in the 14th Century reveals our medieval ancestors' social
networks and shows how connected they were.
Source: Huffington Post
A former history teacher hopes to use ground-penetrating radar to
uncover a network of Nazi tunnels believed to be beneath Oslo's city
Source: New York Times
Belafonte's collection of King memorabilia lays at the center of the dispute.
Source: New York Times
The St. Louis Browns (since 1953, the Baltimore Orioles) still have their fans in the old hometown.
Source: New York Times
Pig Point has become a tantalizing window into prehistoric gatherings on the hilltop thousands of years ago.
Source: New York Times
Mellerio dits Meller in Paris is celebrating its 400th birthday.
Source: The Independent
The skulls probably belong to homo erectus, but that means that the earlier hominid homo habilis may be the same as homo erectus.
Source: Smithsonian Magazine
The Bull's Head was a haunt of George Washington.
Source: New Yorker
Lincoln often poured over a map of slave density by county.
Source: Smithsonian Magazine
Blame the media.
Source: New York Post
And is this headline clickbait? You bet!
Source: BBC News
Local church leaders outside of Leipzig have objected to the "glorification" of war.
Source: The Guardian
China's secret salvage of Britain's sunken submarine, HMS Poseidon