Blogs > Cliopatria > Week of January 11, 2010

Jan 19, 2010

Week of January 11, 2010

Up Front

Hot Topics: Haitian Earthquake

HNN Poll: What Do You Think of the Filibuster?

History Buzz
Bonnie Goodman

Political Highlights
Bonnie Goodman

HNN Hot Topics: Health Care Reform

HNN Hot Topics: Obama & Afghanistan

HNN's Coverage of the AHA

Highlights of the 2010 Annual Convention of the American Historical Association in San Diego
David Walsh

News of the Convention

HNN Videos

HNN Special: Obama One Year Later

What Obama is Doing Wrong
Judith Apter Klinghoffer

Why It's Unlikely Obama Will Suffer Carter's Fate
Ashley Wayne Cruseturner

Obama, Diplomat-in-Chief
Kenneth Weisbrode

News at Home

Reid's Obama Blunder and What It Means
Adriane Lentz-Smith

News Abroad

Divide and Confound—or Divide and Empower? The Opportunities and Dangers of Strategic PSYOP against the Alawi Rulers of Syria
Timothy Furnish

How an Ancient Act of Terror Brought Down a Republic
Adrienne Mayor

Nuclear Terrorism: How It Can Be Prevented
Lawrence S. Wittner

Historians & History

Texas Social Studies Reform: What Texans Aren’t Talking About—But Should Be
Keith A. Erekson

History without Reading
Jim Cullen

What Would You Include in a Children's Book About the Ancient World?
Cathy Diez-Luckie


Review of Stephen Cox's The Big House: Image and Reality of the American Prison
Phyllis B. Taylor

Review of Slavoj Zizek’s First As Tragedy, Then As Farce
Aaron Leonard

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