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HNN Hot Topics: China

Left to right: Mao Zedong, Bo Xilai, Xi Jinping, and Hu Jintao. Credit: HNN Staff/Wikipedia.

Table of Contents

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  • Commentary: Historians
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  • Bo Xilai
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  • HNN Hot Topics: Liu Xiaobo's Nobel Prize
  • HNN Hot Topics: The Olympics
  • News

  • Anti-Japan Sentiment Gains Strength in China (9-23-10)
  • 'Mao's Last Dancer' tiptoes through forgotten history (8-20-10)
  • China Seizes on a Dark Chapter for Tibet (8-10-10)
  • Chairman Mao's grandson proclaims nepotism was key to promotion (8-5-10)
  • Chairman Mao Zedong's grandson, Mao Xinyu, becomes youngest general in China's history (8-3-10)
  • Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalism (8-2-10)
  • Chinese archaeologists' African quest for sunken ship of Ming admiral (7-27-10)
  • Taiwan president urges China to use historic free-trade deal to improve relations (7-11-10)
  • China and Taiwan sign a landmark trade deal (6-29-10)
  • Cross-strait relations improving between Taipei and Beijing (6-29-10)
  • China rewrites history of Korean War (6-25-10)
  • Plastic Mao statues outlawed in China (6-22-10)
  • Frank Views from Chinese Historian About Korean War (6-18-10)
  • Shanghai rediscovering its pre-revolutionary heritage, just in time (6-7-10)
  • Tiananmen Square memoir claims China decided to 'spill some blood' (6-5-10)
  • Mothers of Tiananmen Square victims still searching for answers (6-2-10)
  • Professor warnings over conservatism in China (5-18-10)
  • In Search of a Modern Humanism in China (5-13-10)
  • Celebrity Chinese historian severely criticizes Mao on state TV (5-11-10)
  • Chinese president calls for correct view of history (5-9-10)
  • Expo Offers Shanghai a Turn in the Spotlight (4-30-10)
  • A Primer on China from Jeffrey Wasserstrom (4-22-10)
  • Highs and Lows in U.S.-China Relations (4-13-10)
  • China Bars Noted Scholar From Planned Trip to U.S. (4-5-10)
  • Communist Party Needs to Loosen Its Grip in China(3-2-10)
  • Poll shows concern about American influence waning as China's grows (2-25-10)
  • Commentary: Historians

  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: What Should Obama and Romney Read on China? (9-3-12)
  • Stephen Platt and Jeffrey Wasserstrom: China's Long History of Defying the Doomsayers (8-30-12)
  • Ira Chernus's MythicAmerica: Pentagon Planning for War With China (8-2-12)
  • Thomas Fleming: Channelling George Washington: The End of China's New Class (7-16-12)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: How an American Became a 'Revolutionary' in Mao's China (7-9-12)
  • Ira Chernus's MythicAmerica: U.S.-China Policy: Hiding the Military-Economic Link (7-8-12)
  • James Holmes: China’s Monroe Doctrine (6-20-12)
  • Roderick MacFarquhar: In China, Fear at the Top (5-20-12)
  • Murray Polner: Review of John Paton Davies, Jr.’s “China Hand: An Autobiography” (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012) (4-10-12)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: The Long and the Short of It: Writings on Contemporary China (A Top Ten List for 2011) (12-21-11)
  • Lawrence S. Wittner: Is a Nuclear War with China Possible? (11-28-11)
  • James A. Millward: Being Blacklisted by China, And What Can Be Learned from It (8-24-11)
  • Niall Ferguson: Gloating China, Hidden Problems (8-14-11)
  • Megan Shank and Jeffrey Wasserstrom: China’s High-Speed Crash Leads to Legitimacy Crisis (7-29-11)
  • Timothy Garton Ash: Europe's Crisis is China's Opportunity. No Wonder Nice Mr Wen is on His Way (6-22-11)
  • R. Bin Wong: Why Did China Fall Behind Europe? (5-15-11)
  • Niall Ferguson: Dr. K’s Rx for China (5-15-11)
  • Tom Engelhardt: China as Number One? Don’t Bet Your Bottom Dollar (5-1-11)
  • Diana Lary: China and Japan at War: A Primer (12-19-10)
  • Wada Haruki: Resolving the China-Japan Conflict Over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands (10-31-10)
  • Piers Brendon: Will China Seek Revenge For Its Century of Humiliation at the Hands of the West? (10-20-10)
  • Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom: China’s Attempt at Gaining Soft Power is Tripped Up by Clash Over Human Rights (10-13-10)
  • Willy Lam: Is China Afraid of Its Own People? (9-28-10)
  • Michael Lind: America is Losing the Trade War (9-28-10)
  • Caroline Reeves: Bill and Warren’s Excellent (Chinese) Adventure (9-27-10)
  • Walter Russell Mead: China in the Kaiser's Footsteps (9-26-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Is China Strong or Weak? (9-22-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Three Ways of Looking at the PRC’s Latest Campaigns (9-16-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Foxes, Hedgehogs, and the Latest Crop of Books on Contemporary China (8-22-10)
  • Maura Elizabeth Cunningham and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom: China Discovers World Expo is No Olympics (8-17-10)
  • Daniel K. Gardner: China's Fight Against Disposable Chopsticks (8-15-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Fear of China is Overblown (7-5-10)
  • Priscilla Hart: The Cuban Embargo, South American Security, and Teaching America's"Officers-In-Training": An Interview with Naval Academy Professor Daniel Masterson (7-5-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: What the Foreign Media Misses in Covering China's Labor Unrest (6-18-10)
  • Willy Lam: Shaking Up China's Labor Movement (6-14-10)
  • James W. Loewen: Not Aesopian Enough: A Chinese Publishing Fable (6-9-10)
  • Harold James: China’s Renminbi Seen as a Major Reserve Currency (6-7-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: The Anniversary of Tiananmen Square (6-3-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: China's Season of Protests (6-1-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Shanghai Illuminations: 1890-2010 (5-1-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Shanghai’s Expo: What Everyone Needs to Know (4-24-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: What's the Real Story in China? (4-7-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Going to Philadelphia...With Shanghai on My Mind (3-18-10)
  • Robert Brent Toplin: Decline of a Great Power? (3-7-10)
  • Willy Lam: China's Congressional Concerns (3-2-10)
  • Warren I. Cohen: The China We're Stuck With (2-28-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: The Dalai Lama's Visit to D.C.: A Short Interview With Historian A. Tom Grunfeld (2-24-10)
  • Kate Merkel-Hess: As China Beat Heads Into Its Third Year… (2-23-10)
  • Maura Elizabeth Cunningham and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom: A Tale of Two Presidents in China (2-21-10)
  • Kate Merkel-Hess and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom: A New Consensus on the Rape of Nanking (2-9-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Big China Books: Enough of the Big Picture (2-8-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: “Confucius” and “Avatar” at the Chinese Multiplex (2-7-10)
  • Judith Stein: 'Green' Jobs Go to China, Too (2-4-10)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: China and the U.S.: Too Big to Fail (2-4-10)
  • Geremie R. Barmé: China's Year of Anniversaries (1-20-10)
  • Jeffrey A. Engel: The First Bush Presidency: Made in China (7-27-08)
  • Judith Apter Klinghoffer: Why China Has to Steal Technology (4-25-05)
  • Commentary: Media

  • David Pilling: Japan, China and Their ‘History Problem’ (8-22-12)
  • Martin Jacques: China and Japan ... Two Nations Locked in Mutual Loathing (8-20-12)
  • Melinda Liu: China’s Trials of the Century (8-9-12)
  • Gideon Rachman: China’s Past Needs To Be Rewritten (3-12-12)
  • Winston Lord and Leslie H. Gelb: Nixon’s China Opening, 40 Years Later (2-20-12)
  • Ezra F. Vogel: China Under Deng Xiaoping’s Leadership (9-27-11)
  • Li Datong: Wen Jiabao: The Verdict of History (10-20-10)
  • Robert J. Samuelson: The Makings of a Trade War with China (9-27-10)
  • Robert D. Kaplan: While U.S. is Distracted, China Develops Sea Power (9-26-10)
  • Michael Klare: China, Energy, and Global Power (9-19-10)
  • Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: China’s Young Officers and the 1930s Syndrome (9-7-10)
  • Chrystia Freeland: China's Economic Model Isn't the Answer for the U.S. (8-19-10)
  • The Economist: India and China: A Himalayan Rivalry (8-19-10)
  • Joseph A. Massey and Lee M. Sands: The Yen’s Lesson for the Yuan (8-23-10)
  • Joseph A. Bosco: Straight Talk on Taiwan (8-20-10)
  • David Pilling: China at Number Two ... and Counting (8-18-10)
  • Ross Terrill: Mao Zedong and All That (8-16-10)
  • Terry Lautz: China's Deficit in American Studies (8-12-10)
  • Andy Yee: China Rising ... What Would Mackinder Do? (8-6-10)
  • The Economist: Life of the Party (8-6-10)
  • Xujun Eberlein: The Return of Politically-Charged Chinese Sci-Fi(7-30-10)
  • E. Wayne Merry: Are We Overestimating China’s Superpower Strength? (7-21-10)
  • Temtsel Hao: Mao Zedong in Video-History's Gaze (7-12-10)
  • Jay Mathews: The Myth of Tiananmen (6-4-10)
  • Joseph Nye: China's Century is Not Yet Upon Us (5-18-10)
  • Brett Edkins: China's Undocumented Migrant Problem (5-14-10)
  • Richard Lourie: The Next Round of the Great Game (5-11-10)
  • Adam Minter: China Rules the World at Expo 2010 (4-29-10)
  • Wen Liao: Bismarck’s Lessons for Beijing (4-13-10)
  • James Mann: Behold China: Repressive at Home, Aggressive Abroad, Driving Obama Nuts (3-17-10)
  • Michael Klare: Is the World’s Future Resource Map Tilting East? (4-1-10)
  • Nicolas Berggruen and Nathan Gardels: China May Be More Open to Fundamental Political Reform than the U.S. (3-31-10)
  • Harold Meyerson: A Flawed American Political Model Aids China (3-31-10)
  • Sebastian Mallaby: For Rising China, An Identity Crisis (3-26-10)
  • Martha Cooper: Lusting for Old Shanghai (3-17-10)
  • Ross Terrill: How Not to Gain China's Respect (3-15-10)
  • James Fallows: The Danger of Romanticizing China's Past (3-10-10)
  • Daniel A. Bell: China’s Confucian Alternative to Communism and Democracy (2-24-10)
  • Richard Samuelson: Why China Views Google as a Tool of the U.S. Government (2-22-10)
  • Paul Mozur: China's Self-Defeating Censorship (2-15-10)
  • Robert Samuelson: The Danger Behind China's 'Me First' Worldview (2-15-10)
  • Fareed Zakaria: U.S.-China Growing Pains (2-8-10)
  • Yang Yao: The End of the Beijing Consensus (2-2-10)
  • Ian Buruma: Battling the Information Barbarians (1-29-10)
  • Robert Kaplan: Don't Panic About China (1-28-10)
  • Feng Chongyi: Charter 08: A New Beginning for Chinese Liberalism (1-25-10)
  • Koji Taira: Why China and Japan Can't Agree Who Owns the Diaoyu/ Senkaku Islands (9-04)
  • Bo Xilai

  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Motives and Motifs in the Curious Case of Bo Xilai (5-2-12)
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Fact, Fiction and the News Out of China (4-6-12)
  • Damien Ma: Children of the Revolution: The History China's New Leaders Won't Confront (3-27-12)
  • Jamil Anderlini: Wen Lays Ground for Tiananmen Healing 3-20-12
  • Jeffrey Wasserstrom: Red Songs, Black Boxes and the Tale of Bo Xilai (3-19-12)
  • Chris Bray: Strike the Battle Drum of the Great Leap Forward Ever Louder! (12-01-11)
  • Pankaj Mishra: Today Maoism Speaks to the World's Poor More Fluently than Ever (7-19-11)
  • Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom: Hu's Chicago Stop-Over and the Future of US-China Summits (1-20-11)
  • Ross Terrill: Mao Zedong and All That (8-16-10)