This page features brief excerpts of stories published by the mainstream
media and, less frequently, blogs, alternative media, and even obviously
biased sources. The excerpts are taken directly from the websites cited in
each source note. Quotation marks are not used.
Source: Palisades Post
William A. Schoneberger, a prominent aviation historian and former longtime resident of Pacific Palisades, died on August 31 in Santa Barbara. He was 83.
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on March 27, 1926, Bill graduated from high school in 1943 and earned an accelerated B.S. degree in naval science from the University of South Carolina in 1945. He served in the Navy as an ensign, then began a career that included working at the General Electric Aircraft Engine Division in Cincinnati, Ohio
Source: Turkish Weekly
In an age when "green," as in environmentally friendly, is all the rage, one of the most prominent U.S. historians has written a book about a man who provided the foundation for much of the conservation movement, former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt.
In his new book, "Wilderness Warrior," Douglas Brinkley portrays President Roosevelt as a crusader for the cause of protecting America's wild heritage, in the form of national parks, forests and grasslands. Brin
Source: (Pittsburgh Post Gazette)
Most every protester at this week's G-20 summit has a dog-eared copy of Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' in his or her library. Dmitri Ragano talks to the author -- not so much about history, but about the future.
Howard Zinn's"A People's History of the United States" has changed the way millions of Americans think about their country's past and present. Zinn has been on the front lines of political protest for nearly a century. He is critical of many g
Source: School Library Journal
Milton Meltzer, the famed historian and author of more than 110 books for young people, died Saturday his home in New York City following a battle with esophageal cancer. He was 94.
A five-time National Book Award finalist, Meltzer’s nonfiction works have long been a staple in library collections, helping to support the history curriculum of schools around the country. Meltzer’s books addressed such subjects as crime, ancient Egypt, the immigrant experience, labor movements, photogr
A Republican Madison County commissioner told the commission today that he wants the county's official historian to explain her sympathetic comments about Jackson native and former White House green jobs adviser Van Jones's resignation. Gary Deaton said he wants to put the discussion on October's commission agenda.
Source: USA Today
BALTIMORE — The call from the White House usually would come in late afternoon. President Clinton had a few hours open in the evening. Could he come over?
Taylor Branch, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and civil rights historian, would pick up a notepad of questions and two microcassette recorders and drive his truck down Interstate 95 to Washington. Parking on the South Lawn, he would head to the White House family quarters for interviews so secret Clinton stored the tapes of the
As a child, David Norwood learned all about the West Florida Rebellion and the short-lived Republic of West Florida that followed. Some of the rebellion leaders met in his grandmother’s house in West Feliciana Parish.
“My grandmother … showed me a little table,” Norwood said. “She said, ‘You see this little table? You see all those ring stains in the top of the table? Those are whiskey glasses, and that was the bar table for my great-great grandfather, who was a leader in this repub
Source: Total Politics
The historian with an opinion on everything explains to Iain Dale why he was joking when he called Scotland a feeble little nation, his theory on the Californisation of the world and how Aneurin Bevan was deranged.ID: How did you first get into history?
DS: Almost accidentally. It was by no means the subject I was most interested in. Most people thought I was going to be a scientist. My best subjects were physics and chemistry. The reason I made the choice I d
Source: Taegan Goddard's Political Wire
Historian Taylor Branch conducted a "secret project" with President Bill Clinton, "hidden from even Clinton's closest aides," GQ reports.
"Meeting late at night and sometimes through the night, Clinton and Branch embarked on a series of seventy-nine conversations about politics, the presidents, the Whitewater investigation, and yes, even Monica -- recording every word for posterity. Acutely aware that their tapes could be subpoenaed at any moment and desper
STOCKTON - "Las fiestas patrias" - patriotic holidays - were announced more than a century ago by the shooting of artillery cannons in the Mexican neighborhoods of Stockton.
Sept. 16, Mexican Independence Day, and other observances such as Cinco de Mayo were elaborate celebrations in the mid- and late 1800s.
That snapshot of the past has surfaced from research conducted by a local historian and a cemetery manager.
Ruben Sanchez, manager of Stockton Rura
Source: NYT
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) was, on the page and off, formidable. He was tall, an impeccable dresser in dark suits and homburgs, a product of Eton and Cambridge, a director of the Bank of England. His words could be withering. “When I argued with him,” the philosopher Bertrand Russell said, “I felt that I took my life in my hands.”
Keynes also had, paradoxically, the sensitive soul of a poet. He was a member of the Bloomsbury group and a favorite of Virginia Woolf’s. He collect
Source: Missoulian
HAMILTON - Environmental historian Rod Nash will mark the Wilderness Act's 45th anniversary with a public talk Saturday in Hamilton about the benefits of preserving America's wild places.
The milestone comes as the landmark environmental law faces continued pressure from legislators, motorized recreationists and others who seek to weaken safeguards for some of the nation's most pristine areas, said George Nickas, executive director of Wilderness Watch, which is sponsoring Nash's tal
Source: Newsweek
There are few better fixes for insomnia than listening to a professor read her PowerPoint to you, slide by slide. And that can be a good thing, especially if you've been up all night playing Rock Band. But discovering a teacher who wakes you up instead of putting you to sleep is one of the most rewarding college experiences you can have. A great professor can get you excited about a whole new subject, influence which major you choose, and maybe even change your life. As we discovered in an infor
The Clinton School allows us an endless supply of experts on so many topics. Today, Presidential Richard Norton Smith gave us a good dose of Presidential history.
The Clinton School invited Presidential Historian Richard Norton Smith to come speak on "Lincoln 200". It has been 200 years since Abraham Lincoln was born.
Smith is an expert, having at one time been the first director of the Lincoln Presidential Library. He has also headed up the Reagan and Eisenh
Floyd Martin Pousson Clay, an author and retired history professor, died Sept. 5 at West Jefferson Medical Center. He was 81.
Mr. Clay, of Algiers, was a popular faculty member at Our Lady of Holy Cross College, said Susan O. van Loon, a faculty member.
"It was not unusual for students to 'major' in Dr. Clay, taking whatever history course he was teaching that semester, " she said.
Van Loon said she recruited Mr. Clay to teach in the college's fir
Source: News 8 Austin
The LBJ Library and Museum announced the appointment of presidential historian Mark Updegrove to director Wednesday.
Updegrove has written two books on the presidency, one of which published this year. He is also a political commentator on television and radio.
Updegrove has lectured at the University of Pennsylvania and other colleges. He currently directs business development at the communications firm Rawle Murdy.
Source: American Historical Association
[John Dichtl is the executive director of the National Council on Public History.
Robert Townsend is the AHA’s assistant director for research and publications.]Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles analyzing results from the 2008 Survey of Public History Professionals. This article will also appear in Public History News, the newsletter of the National Council on Public History
Public history is one of the least understood areas of profess
Anthony J. Badger is a University of Cambridge historian and the author of several accessible and well-reviewed books about the South and the Depression, among them"North Carolina and the New Deal,""FDR: The First Hundred Days" and"The New Deal: The Depression Years, 1933-1940." Given the current economic situation, it seems especially appropriate that the University of South Alabama's Department of History has selected Badger as this year's N. Jack Stallworth lecturer (his topic:"The New Deal a
Source: OAH website
We are in the midst of a tectonic shift in our culture, driven by the cumulative impact of powerful economic, technological, and social forces. As a consequence, the Organization of American Historians (OAH) faces two major challenges. The first is primarily economic, driven by the current world financial crisis and reflected in sharply declining revenues for the organization. The second, simultaneously technological, economic, and demographic, is rooted in changes underway well before the onset
Source: HNN Staff
HNN has learned that the AHA Council in June decided to allow the media to record panels at the upcoming annual meeting without obtaining written permission prior to the start of the conference. Permission may now be obtained at the start of any panel, though it must be in writing.
The Council's action restores the more liberal policy in effect prior to the 2009 conference. HNN had vigorously objected to the new restrictions, which hampered coverage of the annual meeting. HNN Editor Ric